The Uniform Resources specification is a method for encoding structured CBOR binary data in plain-text strings that are also well-formed URIs. It’s usable with any binary data. Its preferred usage is for the storage of Gordian Envelopes, which can provide a number of additional advantages atop the inherent advantages of URs.
Uniform Resources (URs) offer:
- A standard way to wrap CBOR-encoded data structures, including Gordian Envelopes, in a URI.
- A method for storing or transmitting that data, including over airgaps.
- A standard way to type the data in the URI so that it is self-describing.
- A standard way to split and sequence longer messages.
- Optimizations for efficiency when URs are presented as QR codes.
- Interoperability among apps released by different companies.
Though we now suggest using Envelopes as the organizational method for your CBOR data, bare URs that encode a single datum can also be used for a variety of cryptographic data.
Much of this set of developer pages focuses on the legacy “bare UR” methodology. Bare URs have been most widely adopted for use with PSBTs but also support many other types of data such as seeds, keys, and shards, all listed in a registry of data types.
Even when using Gordian Envelopes, URs remain relevant, because they offer a way to encode the CBOR Envelope format for storage or transmission.
Why are URs Important?
URs are important because:
They’re self-identifying. Different methodologies for
transferring keys such as
, andzpub
have proliferated and caused confusion. Worse, they’ve created layer violations by mixing encoding and policy. UR is a specification with more clearly defined layers that could be expandable, yet still self-identify its contents. - They provide strong layering. Fundamentally, URs are a textual (URI) encoding of a tagged CBOR structure. Anything else is optional.
- They’re transport independent. Though URs offer powerful support for certain forms of transport, they’re not directly linked to those other layers: they can be used uniformly for URIs, QRs, NFCs, or other transport methodologies, offering strong interoperability.
- They allow easy conversion between binary and text. URs establish a correspondence between a CBOR tag, which is numeric, and a UR type string, which is textual. Developers can then move the same CBOR structure back and further between binary encoding (with the tag) and text encoding (without the tag, but with the type string).
Depending on how URs are used, they can offer even more advantages.
- They Can Offer Support for QRs. While QR codes themselves are standardized, the data encoded within QR codes is not, resulting in inconsistent usage among developers. When used with QRs, URs resolve these interoperability issues by creating a specified method for encoding binary data using CBOR and by specifying how to sequence larger binary encoding (as version 40 QR codes max out at 2,953 bytes), and they do so in a more compact way than base64. See the Multipart UR (MUR) Implementation Guide for more on multipart sequencing.
- They Can Improve Human Factors. URs are built from minimal Bytewords. If a UR needs to be visually recognizable, the UR, of some portion thereof, can be converted to full Bytewords. They then become easy to visual and verify, thanks to the careful selection of the Bytewords to ensure that they’re both unique and easy to remember and distinguish.
- They Can Offer Support for Security. URs can offer improved security if they are used with a transport mechanism such as QR or NFCs, which enable airgaps. Since the transfer of key material between devices is a prime point of vulnerability, this can be a big gain.
- They Can Make Multisigs Easy. Multisig is the future of Bitcoin, allowing for the creation of independent and resilient cryptocurrency addresses. Previous specifications are locked into the single-sig paradigm, while URs include specifications for a variety of data types crucial to multisig use, and can also allow for the transport of the larger PSBTs required by multisigs, thanks to its options for Animated QRs.
URs are used widely in the Gordian reference apps, but community members have focused most on UR’s sequencing feature to create animated QRs that support PSBTs. URs can do a lot more: they can support any airgapped Bitcoin function and more than that, can support data encoding and transmission for a large number of decentralized technologies whether they’re airgapped or not. (But Envelopes may do the job even better!)
How Do URs Work?
As detailed in the UR specification, URs are binary data that is represented with CBOR using a canonical and deterministic representation, converted to minimal Bytewords and prefaced with the UR type.
Thus the process of encoding a UR, which is largely automated by Blockchain Commons libraries, is:
- Refer to the Registry of Uniform Resource Types for how to represent the desired data.
- Refer to the CBOR RFC for
how to encode the data. In particular, be aware of how to encode
major types and byte strings.
Also, refer to dCBOR, as all URs must match the dCBOR profile.
- The CBOR reference is the best place to read about CBOR encoding, but be aware that whenever you encode something, you will typically preface data with one or more bytes showing data type and length; and as required you may also tag data.
- Note that you will not be prefixing your overall CBOR with a CBOR tag if you are using UR format.
- Convert your complete CBOR binary representation to
Bytewords using the minimal encoding. This is the first
and last letters of the Byteword, and will be done automatically if
you are using the Blockchain Commons Bytewords
libraries and
encoding - Prefix your UR with
, or in the case of a part of a sequenceur:type:sequence/
. Again, this will be done automatically if you use a Blockchain Commons UR Library. - If you will be placing your UR in a QR code, be sure to shift it to ALL CAPS for best efficiency.
For example:
- Seed: 59F2293A5BCE7D4DE59E71B4207AC5D2 (our sample 128-bit seed)
CBOR: A1015059F2293A5BCE7D4DE59E71B4207AC5D2
is defined as a map which must include the seed and which may include other data such as creation date. - The CBOR breaks down into
. -
represents a map of length 1.- That’s major type 5 (for a map), which is represented as
in the most significant three bits, plus a length of 1, which is represented as00001
in the least significant five bits, or overall0b10100001
, which is0xA1
- That’s major type 5 (for a map), which is represented as
represents item 1 in the map. -
represents a 16-byte byte-string payload.- That’s major type 2 (for a byte string), which is represented as
, plus a payload of 16 bytes, or10000
, or overall0b01010000
, which is0x50
- That’s major type 2 (for a byte string), which is represented as
represents the byte payload. - The CBOR prefix for a
(#6.40300) is not used since this will be stored in UR format.
Bytewords: obey acid good hawk whiz diet fact help taco kiwi gift view noon jugs quiz crux kiln silk tied help yell jade data
) throughtied
) represent the CBOR data, whilehelp yell jade data
are checksums.
- Bytewords Minimal: oyadgdhkwzdtfthptokigtvwnnjsqzcxknsktdhpyljeda
- UR: ur:crypto-seed/oyadgdhkwzdtfthptokigtvwnnjsqzcxknsktdhpyljeda
For more, see “How to Get Started”, below.
Note again that the bare encoding of seeds as ur:seed
is largely
being deprecated in favor of Gordian Envelope. This
example is being maintained as a simplest-possible example of a use of
URs, but a corresponding Envelope would instead look as follows:
Bytes(16) [
isA: Seed
date: 2021-02-24T09:19:01Z
hasName: "Dark Purple Aqua Love"
note: "This is the note."
Should I Use URs or Envelopes?
URs remain a foundational encoding method for much of Blockchain Commons’ data and is often used with Gordian Envelopes. However, as noted above, encoding specific data other than Envelopes as URs has been deprecated. This is largely due to the greater scope of content that can be encoded in an Envelope: instead of encoding a single bit of data you can collect together all of the related data and even connected metadata that explains it. You also have access to related Envelope systems such as encryption (which can be vitally important for data such as seeds and key material) and GSTP (which can allow the secure transportation of that material).
However, you might still wish to use bare URs for singular datums in limited situations, such as on a constrained device or when you just need to transmit one very simple bit of data.
How to Get Started with URs
URs are a simple, low-level data encoding method. Their use is trivial once you’ve decided that you’d like to store content in an interoperable and self-describing way, to ensure its resilience well into the future.
- Decide What Data You Will Be Storing. The first step is to decide what data you will be storing. Seeds? Keys? Sharded data? Make sure that there is a purpose in the UR storage, which would usually be interoperable transmission or storage of data that might need to be reclaimed in the far future.
Clarify Your Use Case. This will help you decide whether to use bare URs, where you encode a simple piece of CBOR data with a UR, or Envelope, where you encode a whole collection of data with a UR.
- Bare URs are not generally recommended, but they might be useful in a constrained environment where you have severe limitations on memory or storage or when you have an extremely limited use case and the additional (but light) overhead of Envelope doesn’t make sense.
- Envelope URs are crucial in situations where you want to package multiple data elements, where you have metadata, or where there are privacy concerns that might require encryption of data or the elision of some data at some times. There is a small bit of additional complexity (as little as a few bytes of data), but you’ll retain all the advantages of URs when you encode in that format.
- Download an Appropriate Library. A full listing of UR libraries from Blockchain Commons and a variety of third parties is available. (This and later steps may not be necessary if you’re working with an Envelope library, which may take care of the UR output all on its own.)
Encode Your Data as CBOR. Find your data type in the UR registry and encode it according to the CDDL.
- If there is not a CDDL for your data type, decide on a format and submit it as an issue!
- For more specifics, see “How Do URs Work?”, above.
- Use Your UR Library to Encode Your CBOR. Run the encoder function on your library to turn your CBOR data into a UR.
Test Your UR. Test the data you have created by stripping the
prefix and using thebytewords-cli
to turn the minimal Bytewords format into hex. Then read the hex using an app such ascbor2diag
or a site such as cbor.me. (See this example or how to test the decoding of a seed.)
UR Videos
URs in Overview
Multi-part URs in Overview
Multipart UR Implementation Guide
UR Libraries
Language | Repo | Contributor | Status |
C++ | bc-ur | Blockchain Commons | |
Java | bc-ur-java | Bitmark | |
Java | Hummingbird | Craig Raw | |
Python | foundation-ur-py | Foundation | |
Rust | bc-ur-rust | Blockchain Commons | |
Rust | ur-rust | Dominik Spicher | |
Swift | URKit + URUI | Blockchain Commons | |
TypeScript | bc-ur for TS | xardass |
Bytewords Libraries
Language | Repo | Contributor | Status |
C | bc-bytewords | Blockchain Commons | |
Java | bc-libs-java | Bitmark |
Developer Resources:
- The Gordian Envelope Structure Data Format (IETF RFC)
- BCR-2020-005: UR Specification (Blockchain Commons Research)
- BCR-2020-006: Registry of UR Types (Blockchain Commons Research)
Other UR Research Papers (Blockchain Commons Research)
- A Guide to Using URs for Envelopes
- A Guide to Using URs for Key Material
- A Guide to Using URs for PSBTs [our biggest success story]
- UR SSKRs & Envelope SSKRs
Developer Reference Apps:
- Bytewords-CLI
- Gordian Seed Tool (iOS)
- seedtool-cli (CLI)
- URDemo