Latest News: Added Achitectural Design Patterns & Auth Patterns pages (5/8/24). Added Envelope Executive Summary and Feature List pages (4/24/24).

Blockchain Commons has produced a number of specifications that are intended to support interoperability among wallet developers and other digital-asset holders as well as resilience, privacy, and independence. These developer pages contain developer resources that explain these specifications, and their importance, and make it easy for you to adopt them.

If you have any questions or want more resources for any specific specification, please let us know via email or file an Issue at the repo for this website.

Blockchain Commons specifications are broadly divided into three categories.

Data Formats

These are specifications that focus on the interoperability of data among different entities.

Seed Recovery

These are specifications that focus on the resilience of digital assets: ensuring that you don’t lose them.

UX Design

These are specifications that focus on usability, by making it easier for users to recognize their seeds and keys.


All of this is built on a carefully designed architecture.

For More Info

Our Gordian Developer community is actively working with this resources! Join us in Discussions or at our monthly meetings!