128 Bit Examples (Yinmn Blue)
The example uses Blockchain Commons’ default 128-bit seed, YINMN BLUE.
HEX: 59f2293a5bce7d4de59e71b4207ac5d2
BIP-39 WORDS: fly mule excess resource treat plunge nose soda reflect adult ramp planet
BYTEWORDS: hawk whiz diet fact help taco kiwi gift view noon jugs quiz crux kiln silk tied omit keno lung jade
GORDIAN ENVELOPE (with METADATA): ur:envelope/lptpsogdhkwzdtfthptokigtvwnnjsqzcxknsktdoybdtpsojyhkinjtjnjtcxfwjzkpihcxfpiainiecxfekshsjnoyadcsspoybetpsosecyidbbwnnnoyaatpsoksdighisinjkcxinjkcxjlkpjpcxjkjyhsjtiehsjpiecxeheyetdpidinjycxjyihjkjycxjkihihiedmplrnihld
SEGWIT UR OUTPUT DESCRIPTOR: ur:output-descriptor/oeadisktjojeisdefzdydtaolytantjloxaxhdclaxvlcprfttldjobkredtlnhsidwybaeyjtswyandlgjnehtkdsidbkqzsrkphyfhsaaahdcxhnfgnepefxgdytryckticelyotsstoknfntavevaskiddmolsarntykbrybtjpksamtantjooeadlncsghykaeykaeykaocyhngrmuwzaycyzssajpsndifmkohy
SEGWIT TEXT OUTPUT DESCRIPTOR: wpkh([604b93f2/84'/0'/0']xpub6DVfq9VduocgjGeR69Nyr8CCi9w5gywnU7wXMYGswpHjffjcbLYNzz6G6555VDcSZLDwZPzJHJQabVWWgkpvYntpunL3UjHGrkCJ6VndbQf)#ncwysjuk
Do not use this seed to hold real monies; they could
disappear immediately!
Seed with No Additional Data
1: h'59f2293a5bce7d4de59e71b4207ac5d2'
Seed with Date
1: h'59f2293a5bce7d4de59e71b4207ac5d2',
2: 1(1645539742)
Seed with Date & Name
1: h'59f2293a5bce7d4de59e71b4207ac5d2',
2: 1(1645539742),
3: "Yinmn Blue Acid Exam"
Seed with Date, Name & Note
1: h'59f2293a5bce7d4de59e71b4207ac5d2',
2: 1(1645539742),
3: "Yinmn Blue Acid Exam",
4: "This is our standard 128-bit test seed."
Seed with Date, Name & Long Note
Static Version:
Animated Version:
1: h'59f2293a5bce7d4de59e71b4207ac5d2',
2: 1(1645539742),
3: "Yinmn Blue Acid Exam",
4: "This is our standard 128-bit test seed. However, this version of it has a very long note. Why? The object is to force the creation of an animated GIF, which demonstrates the power of URs, not just to allow for the self-identification of information, but also to do so in a way the integrates well with QR codes, creating an animated QR when the data would otherwise be too long for a static QR. To force that to happen, this note was made to be over 500 characters long, which is a lot of data for a QR, which maxes out at about 4,000 alphanumeric characters, but which gets very hard to read (especially from a phone) before that."
256 Bit Examples (Khaki)
The example uses Blockchain Commons’ default 256-bit seed, KHAKI.
HEX: e3955cda304771c0031895637f55c3abe45153c87abd81c51ed14e8aafa1af13
BIP-39 WORDS: toe priority custom gauge jacket theme arrest bargain gloom wide ill fit eagle prepare capable fish limb cigar reform other priority speak rough imitate
BYTEWORDS: vial mild high twin duty fuel jugs rust apex cats mild idea lamb gyro scar play vibe gray guru soap kiln ruby lazy silk cook tent girl love pose obey pose brew exit gray king iced
GORDIAN ENVELOPE (with METADATA): ur:envelope/lptpsohdcxvlmdhhtndyfljsrtaxcsmdialbgosrpyvegyguspknrylyskckttgllepeoypebwoyadcsspoycfadzttpsotantjyoeadisktjojeisdefzdydtaolytantjloxaxhdclaodsjnasrfrtytvdcfvawyluladinygrgyjeesoekibtwdoecllafehgdezmpfrlfdaahdcxzttyeeetzmskiorkdntlwfrehytlhypajosrvthfcfplyklyjztdqzmemwgdotwlamtantjooeadlncsghykaeykaeykaocyuehdglzcaycyhdoytolnoybetpsosecyhhdnpafmoybdtpsoksdieyecendpidinjycxguihihiecxgdkpidjziniacxghihjkjycxhfihiajyjljpcxdegrishsjeindtsnlrfpjs
SEGWIT UR OUTPUT DESCRIPTOR: ur:output-descriptor/oeadisktjojeisdefzdydtaolytantjloxaxhdclaodsjnasrfrtytvdcfvawyluladinygrgyjeesoekibtwdoecllafehgdezmpfrlfdaahdcxzttyeeetzmskiorkdntlwfrehytlhypajosrvthfcfplyklyjztdqzmemwgdotwlamtantjooeadlncsghykaeykaeykaocyuehdglzcaycyhdoytolntdkezsfw
SEGWIT TEXT OUTPUT DESCRIPTOR: wpkh([de584efd/84'/0'/0']xpub6CJZ4hvDg49xgXpHh1h5MsKuxnpnu5m1shocnzueZUry1nrRjbAJhBPaDoByGSXKVyXJYdydRtiGps63oNP43hzbxHU9ey5mH3Cm6NNvSSo)#hxn88s0v
Do not use this seed to hold real monies; they could
disappear immediately!
Seed with No Additional Data
1: h'e3955cda304771c0031895637f55c3abe45153c87abd81c51ed14e8aafa1af13'
Seed with Date
1: h'e3955cda304771c0031895637f55c3abe45153c87abd81c51ed14e8aafa1af13',
2: 1(1645539742)
Seed with Date & Name
1: h'e3955cda304771c0031895637f55c3abe45153c87abd81c51ed14e8aafa1af13',
2: 1(1645539742),
3: "Khaki Gala Jazz"
Seed with Date, Name & Note
1: h'e3955cda304771c0031895637f55c3abe45153c87abd81c51ed14e8aafa1af13',
2: 1(1645539742),
3: "Khaki Gala Jazz",
4: "This is our standard 256-bit test seed."
Seed with Date, Name & Long Note
Static Version:
Animated Version:
1: h'e3955cda304771c0031895637f55c3abe45153c87abd81c51ed14e8aafa1af13',
2: 1(1645539742),
3: "Khaki Gala Jazz",
4: "This is our standard 256-bit test seed. However, this version of it has a very long note. Why? The object is to force the creation of an animated GIF, which demonstrates the power of URs, not just to allow for the self-identification of information, but also to do so in a way the integrates well with QR codes, creating an animated QR when the data would otherwise be too long for a static QR. To force that to happen, this note was made to be over 500 characters long, which is a lot of data for a QR, which maxes out at about 4,000 alphanumeric characters, but which gets very hard to read (especially from a phone) before that."
Appendix: Standard Process for Creating Test Vectors:
The following process, which can be used for all test vector creation,
using a detailed crypto-seed
as an example.
- Write the JSON vector using BCR-2020-006 as reference. Place the hex seed in map element #1, and then optionally place a creation date in element #2, a name in element #3, and a note in element #4.
{ 1: h'59f2293a5bce7d4de59e71b4207ac5d2', 2: 1(1645539742), 3: "Yinmn Blue Acid Exam", 4: "This is our standard 128-bit test seed." }
- Encode the JSON with CBOR Playground. First test it with full description, then check “plain text” to just produce the hex.
- Use
input andminimal
output to produce the UR body.bytewords -i hex -o minimal A4015059F2293A5BCE7D4DE59E71B4207AC5D202C11A6214F19E037459696E6D6E20426C75652041636964204578616D04782754686973206973206F7572207374616E64617264203132382D626974207465737420736565642E oxadgdhkwzdtfthptokigtvwnnjsqzcxknsktdaosecyidbbwnnnaxjyhkinjtjnjtcxfwjzkpihcxfpiainiecxfekshsjnaaksdighisinjkcxinjkcxjlkpjpcxjkjyhsjtiehsjpiecxeheyetdpidinjycxjyihjkjycxjkihihiedmksjpaate
- Add
as a prefix.ur:crypto-seed/oxadgdhkwzdtfthptokigtvwnnjsqzcxknsktdaosecyidbbwnnnaxjyhkinjtjnjtcxfwjzkpihcxfpiainiecxfekshsjnaaksdighisinjkcxinjkcxjlkpjpcxjkjyhsjtiehsjpiecxeheyetdpidinjycxjyihjkjycxjkihihiedmksjpaate
- Encode the
as a QR.echo "ur:crypto-seed/oxadgdhkwzdtfthptokigtvwnnjsqzcxknsktdaosecyidbbwnnnaxjyhkinjtjnjtcxfwjzkpihcxfpiainiecxfekshsjnaaksdighisinjkcxinjkcxjlkpjpcxjkjyhsjtiehsjpiecxeheyetdpidinjycxjyihjkjycxjkihihiedmksjpaate" | qrencode -o ~/vector-seed-yinmn-note.png