Using SSKR

What Can SSKR Do?

SSKR allows you to protect a seed. It’s a tool for Resilience intended to protect a seed from loss.

The original SSKR was limited to 32-byte secrets, but SSKR Envelopes allow the storage of arbitrarily large amounts of data and metadata.

What Are the Caveats to using SSKR?

You will need to be careful of a few things when utilizing SSKR:

  • Seed Randomness. The seed being encrypted must be truly random, with high entropy.
  • Share Non-Determinism. The shares are non-deterministic due to a random factor in their creation. This means that shares will look different every time you generate them. Most importantly, you can’t use shares from two different shardings together!
  • 32-Byte Limit. SSKR without Envelopes can only protect data that is no larger than 32 bytes.

How Can I Protect Data Longer than 32 bytes?

Protecting larger amounts of data is often important. Most notably, a standard BIP-32 HD wallet is typically built with a 32-byte private key and its 32-byte chain, which is twice what SSKR can protect.

So, use SSKR Envelopes! That was one of the main reasons they were developed.

However, if you’re only able to use SSKR URs, likely due to being on a very constrained device, you have a few options.

  1. Create multiple SSKR objects.
  2. Protect a 32-byte symmetric key using SSKR, and then use that key to protect the larger data. (This is essentially what SSKR Envelope does, but SSKR Envelope does so in a much more automated way.)

SSKR Standards

What Sharding Standards Does SSKR Use?

Currently, SSKR supports one secret-sharing algorithm: Shamir’s Secret Sharing, which is version 0 of SSKR types. As such, it’s intended to replace SLIP-39 as a specification for Shamir’s Secret Sharing.

Why Use Shamir’s Secret Sharing?

Shamir’s Secret Sharing (SSS) is built on an old, well-respected cryptographic proof, and so we have faith in its foundational concepts.

Though we believe that the usage of multisig is superior to SSS, because Shamir’s Secret Sharing can expose the user to vulnerability on the machine where a key is reconstructed, we nonetheless acknowledge that many users prefer Shamir’s Secret Sharing, in large part for compatibility with last-generation single-signature addresses.

So, while we’re leading the way in using multisig to better protect our digital wealth, we’re also interested in improving the interoperability of resilient, single-signature addresses, and that primarily means improving the interoperability of Shamir’s Secret Sharing.

Why Did We Create a New Specification?

We are well aware of the problems of creating yet more standards, as depicted by the ever-insightful Randall Munroe:

In the case of SSKR we felt that the creation of a new specification for Shamir’s Secret Sharing was critical due to problems that we identified with the previous implementations, primarily SLIP-39, which we discovered did not round trip with BIP-39.

The result is SSKR, which is similar to SLIP-39, but not compatible. It includes the same Shamir’s Secret Sharing technology, but uses a different key-derivation methodology, for compatibility with BIP-39.

Seeing the need for a new specification that roundtripped with BIP-39 also allowed the possibility for expansion, which permitted us to introduce two-level shares as a major new feature.

SSKR Words

What are Bytewords?

SSKR shares can be output as Bytewords, which is a specification for outputting encoded binary data as English words.

Bytewords has several advantages. It’s as efficient as hex, the words are all a uniform four letters, there are no homophones, and the first and last characters of each word differ from other words. Words were also specifically chosen to either be concrete or else to have valence. All around, the goal was to make ByteWords very easy to distinguish.

See the ByteWords page for more information.

BytesWords were chosen for use with SSKR to differentiate it from the BIP-39 mnemonics and thus avoid confusion. If something is encoded with BIP-39 words, it’s likely a SLIP-39 share, while if something is encoded with ByteWords, it’s likely an SSKR share.

What Do the Different Parts of an SSKR Share Mean?

An SSKR share contains a secret, but there are about a dozen additional words that help to define the share.

To start with, note the overlap in words in different shares: this is expected. The first words will always be the same. The first three describe the share as SSKR (“tuna next keep”), with the next one or two saying it’s of a specific length (“gyro”). The next two (“oboe bulb”) are a fingerprint that match all the shares in a split. After that we get into ones that start to slightly vary. The next three (“able acid able”) describe the group threshold, group count, group index, member threshold, [reserved], and member index, each at half a byte. The first word is the same for each SSKR and the second is the same for each group within an SSKR. The third word increments for each share (“able … acid … also … apex … aqua …”).

There’s also a checksum at the end (“real eyes view vows”), which is part of the Uniform Resource specification that is used in conjunction with Bytewords: it allows for error detection when decoding the UR.

SSKR length ID group & member info secret share checksum
tuna next keep gyro oboe bulb able acid able arch kick … oval fuel real eyes view vows

Note that the non-repetitive words will change each time you regenerate SSKR shares from a secret. This is also expected: there is a random factor in SSKR generation.

SSKR Libraries

Why Did We Create New Libraries?

Obviously, with a new specification, we also needed libraries for that specification. We created C reference libraries for SSS and SSKR to modularize the contents and allow a developer to pick and choose how they were put together.

Shamir’s Secret Sharing Libraries

Language Repo Contributor Status
C bc-shamir Blockchain Commons Security Reviewed
Java bc-libs-java Bitmark  
Rust bc-shamir-rust Blockchain Commons  
Swift BCLibsSwift Blockchain Commons  

SSKR Libraries

Language Repo Contributor Status
C bc-sskr Blockchain Commons Security Reviewed
Java bc-libs-java Bitmark  
JavaCard jc-sskr Proxy  
Rust bc-sskr-rust Blockchain Commons  
Swift BCLibsSwift Blockchain Commons  

Our new libraries also resolve one of our long-standing problems with SSS: we’ve always felt that Shamir’s Secret Sharing looked deceptively easy to code, which has resulted in more than one implementation incorporating fundamental problems, from the lack of round-tripping in SLIP-39, to incorrect use of entropy in other implementations. Thus, we were happy to offer our own implementation, building on the cryptographic expertise of Blockchain Commons members and other experts in the field such as Daan Sprenkels, and then to submit those libraries to a security review.

SSKR Expansions

How Does SSKR Compare to Previous Sharding Standards?

SSKR expands on the capabilities of previous standards, including:

  1. Compatibility with BIP-39.
  2. Implementation of two-level shares.
  3. Encoding of shares as Bytewords.
  4. Integration with URs.

What are Two-Level Shares?

Using SSKR, you can implement Shamir’s Secret Sharing as normal, using a group of shares with a threshold for reconstruction. However, you can also implement a two-level hierarchy with multiple groups, each of which contain some shares. You can then specify a threshold for both groups and shares.

For example, you could create shares for two groups: the first group might require 2 of 3 shares and the second group might require 3 of 5 shares. With a group threshold of 2, individual thresholds from both groups must be met.

What are URs?

URs are Uniform Resources another Blockchain Commons specification. They describe a methodology for efficient, self-describing resources, and are easily interoperable with Bytewords. We choose them as another output format for SSKR.

See A Guide to Using URs for SSKRs for how Byteword SSKRs and UR SSKRs are encoded, and how they slightly differ as well as the URs page for more general information.

SSKR History

Where Did SSKR Come From?

SSKR is the end-result of over two years of effort. It most immediately grew out of workgroups at the Rebooting the Web of Trust design workshops. At RWOT8 in Barcelona, a group of experts worked on “Shamir’s Secret Sharing Best Practices” and the foundation of a new library, while at RWOT9 in Prague, a new cohort further discussed use cases, formats, and the two-level scheme. These workgroups included experts such as Christopher Allen, Bryan Bishop, Laurence Chen, Hank Chiu, Mark Friedenbach, Chris Howe, Yancy Ribbens, Daan Sprenkels, ChiaWei Tang, and others.

Initial work on Blockchain Common’s bc-shamir library grew from Daan’s work on his own SSS library. Further encouragement to produce the new SSKR specification came from Ken Sedgwick, who identified the round-tripping problems between BIP-39 and SLIP-39.