The example uses Blockchain Commons’ default 256-bit seed, KHAKI.

HEX: e3955cda304771c0031895637f55c3abe45153c87abd81c51ed14e8aafa1af13
BIP-39 WORDS: toe priority custom gauge jacket theme arrest bargain gloom wide ill fit eagle prepare capable fish limb cigar reform other priority speak rough imitate
BYTEWORDS: vial mild high twin duty fuel jugs rust apex cats mild idea lamb gyro scar play vibe gray guru soap kiln ruby lazy silk cook tent girl love pose obey pose brew exit gray king iced
GORDIAN ENVELOPE: See QR code, above
SEGWIT UR OUTPUT DESCRIPTOR: ur:output-descriptor/oeadisktjojeisdefzdydtaolytantjloxaxhdclaodsjnasrfrtytvdcfvawyluladinygrgyjeesoekibtwdoecllafehgdezmpfrlfdaahdcxzttyeeetzmskiorkdntlwfrehytlhypajosrvthfcfplyklyjztdqzmemwgdotwlamtantjooeadlncsghykaeykaeykaocyuehdglzcaycyhdoytolntdkezsfw
SEGWIT TEXT OUTPUT DESCRIPTOR: wpkh([de584efd/84'/0'/0']xpub6CJZ4hvDg49xgXpHh1h5MsKuxnpnu5m1shocnzueZUry1nrRjbAJhBPaDoByGSXKVyXJYdydRtiGps63oNP43hzbxHU9ey5mH3Cm6NNvSSo)#hxn88s0v

:warning: Do not use this seed to hold real monies; they could disappear immediately!